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Thank you so much for the book! You have inspired me so much that I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. I think it is great that you are sharing your knowledge with others. You are a magnificent LADY. Hopefully, I will be able to come to your next seminar; I can only imagine what you are able to share in person. Again, thank you so much for everything.

- Shawn B. -

I am certain that you saved my horse's athletic career! I have had three readings with you and each one brings me closer to my animals. You told me to trust my feelings when I felt my horses were trying to tell me something and although I had to have a terrible battle with the vet I ended up having him recheck something my horse insisted on...of course the horse was right and it was a happy ending.

- Heidi Kohl -

We have tried and tried and spent thousands of dollars trying to get her in foal. 3 years and no baby. The vet did a biopsy and told us her uterus had very little cellular build and she would never have babies. When we told you this; you did not agree. I took her to my dad's 40 days ago. She fell completely IN LOVE with his little stud horse that day. She has not come in heat since. Had I not talked to you; I would have given up.

- Shannon H. -

I want to thank you again for your input and communications with Gunner. I can't explain it... but after our meeting, we went out to the barn that night to visit him... his eyes seemed to continue our conversation from earlier! It was like he was trying to tell us more. Thanks again, Toni! You have a wonderful gift... a TRUE gift! Thank you for sharing it with us! We will be forever grateful to you.

- Kym -

Thank you so much for your help with all of my animals!! With my upcoming divorce and recent move I really needed your help in communicating to all the farm animals what was going on so they would understand. Your help with my two puppies Izzy and Spirit was wonderful!!

- Jan -

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